Monday, October 5, 2009

PJ Buddies

I went to the Pearl Jam concert last week and was, to say the least, completely blown away. I've never seen a concert like that in all the dozens I've been to. It was incredible for all the obvious reasons - the music was amazing, the band sounded better than they do on their albums, Eddie Vedder was back, and they were finally back on tour after way too many years. About halfway through the concert, I realized that I was only 11 years old the last time Pearl Jam was on tour.

It was also amazing in other ways, though. I mentioned in a previous post that there are a few select things in this world that bring people of different backgrounds and different personalities together. Well, as it turns out, Pearl Jam is one of them.

I stood next to a woman probably two times my age and became friends with her after the second song. Throughout the concert, I learned about her family, her career, her relationship history, and the guy she was on a blind date with on the other side of her. She had never even heard of Pearl Jam and just happened to be there because her date had tickets.

A few days after the concert, she happened to walk into the store I work at and immediately remembered me. We got to talking for a few minutes, and it was one of the funnest conversations I'd ever had. She was shopping with her sister, whom she had apparently told all about me. We talked more in-depth about her career and the situation she was in personally, and I got to know her even better. She stayed in the store for another hour and we talked between other customers until she had to run out so she and her sister could catch their dinner reservation. As she was running out, she said she'd stop by in the next week or two to catch up some more.

This is a woman I probably never would have had a detailed conversation with in any other setting than the one I met her in, and visa versa. It's interesting to see how music relaxes people and allows us to get to know strangers we may normally walk right by or ignore in another setting.

Kinda cool.