Monday, September 7, 2009

'Tis the Season...for everything nice!

Today is a great day. I slept in, ate some breakfast, picked up a iced latte, and am now enjoying the sunshine and warm weather on one of the last days of summer.

This time during the very end of summer and the very beginning of fall has become my favorite time of the year. The weather is perfect, school has started and everywhere is little less crowded (besides campus, of course), football season is officially upon us, and people all around just seem to be nicer.

The Starbucks lady, for example. Almost every time I go to the Starbucks by my house, the same lady takes my order and makes my coffee. And almost every time, she's upset about something somebody else didn't do that makes her job harder.

The past couple of times I've been in though, she's been extremely pleasant and has been all smiles. I've got no idea as to what has caused the transformation, but I'm going to say it's the fact that the best season of the year has arrived and you just can't be mad during it. It's too obviously a waste of a beautiful day, and you'd only end up being mad at yourself.

One thing I'd definitely be mad at myself for is not planning a weekend vacation. Somewhere not too far away, but somewhere you can do something fun and exciting, and also lay low if that's what you're feeling.

An old friend and I have decided to head to Vegas for the coming weekend. It being the epitomy of "fun and exciting", I think it's a good choice. And to get our opportunity to lay low, we're going to stop in St. George, hang out by the pool, BBQ, and get possibly the last tan of the year.

There's a lot to be said for weekend vacations, epecially during this time of year. Weekends are often taken advantage of during the summer, but become heavily valued with the start of school. Weekend vacations are the perfect length at a time like this, when things are on their way to getting insanely hectic. They don't disrupt any plans or cost too much money, but are the perfect opportunity to relax and get the break you need before diving head first into a new semester and all the other things that come clinging onto it.

A weekend vacation is definitely in order. But for all those who are not taking vacations, I hope you find little vacation-breaks wherever you are and whenever you can. Whether it's taking a nap or going to a football game, I hope you find time to let some seriousness go and live and love life!

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